Friday, March 12, 2010

...a Still Dark Motel Room With Others Still Sleeping

It's morning here. You wouldn't know it by looking around this room, save for the light slipping past the treacherous dark curtains. Late sleeping in a room with an eastern exposure requires thick curtains. My eyes are still gunky from sleep, so I will degunkify after I'm through with this post.

It annoys me that this spell checker insists that every time I try to write "I" in lowercase rather than its prestigious upper, I am doing the term a great disservice. I prefer the lower, but have this ingrained distaste for those ugly red squiggly lines below my words. Damn all.

I do rather enjoy the mornings... I used to think I was an night person, as I do so much of my best writing in the evenings, but I really do think I'm a morning person now, as I'm filled with much more actual energy early in the day (not stored crazy person energy that greets me near bed time).

I'm slowly assembling people for a project. I hope things will come to fruition on that front... never can really tell. I hope to start a company when I get home. How I'll do that is a more difficult question, because though I'd like to think myself a good leader, I feel I'm really much more a talented member than an outstanding leader. Kat makes a good leader... she's dependable, organized, a double-checker. I'm not really a double-checker. Anyway, I'm using the advice that men and women much wiser than myself have handed down to me... surround yourself with your betters and you will learn, grow, and prosper. I hope this proves true in this endeavor.

In my mind, I stand at a precipice. The wind at my back, a subtle reminder of what brought me here, ahead of me, an ocean. Do I focus on what's clear and defined? Trace the coast line with my footprints until I circumnavigate the rest of creation? Or do I venture into the unknown with a ship fashioned out of old shoe leather and Lincoln Logs? Either way I realize the journey between where I am and where I hope to be is no less than the float across the Atlantic, and though I'm ready to do it alone, I feel comfort in knowing I don't have to.

Okay, that's all for now.

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