Sunday, September 19, 2010

...My Bedbedbedbedbed. nY, nY

you are a passionfruit martini
and i want to get drunk off your eyes

make me miss your tasty blinkings
so i have things to carry in my pockets
for the long walk home

police my phrases like we're
brass knuckle boxing for quarters
on fourteenth street

and i'm left breathing peace signs
and mexican ravioli

just think everything is collapsible
and that i think so too
but i believe in forevering things

poster me on the subway and
pester me on the sidewalk
to join your reckless one
man bandwagon of a cause
to go moonward

blow me like cash at a casino
and cry for me like madonna
begged you not to... i'll be
your country...

control alt delete me
because i'm

let me lick your
spaghetti straps
and travel your
paperback spine

i want to be the thing you cut to
like 'needle in the hay' was for the boomer
or like the credits or the close up

twist me like like your speech
into logic and make of me something
wind wanting and fire breathing

try me on like a thing you would shoplift

beg for my fingers
you know your skin
is my naked piano

rewind us back to when we met
and let me retake your 'me' virginity
lets make a box of first times and then burn it
for the first time.

show me how triumphant happens
and give me a bad case of the backflips

let me be your drill sergeant
and give me twenty of everything
especially naked things.

tell me it needs more cowbell
and then laugh like you never
heard a joke before.

punch me in a banana republic
because nobody ever asked me
how i wanted to celebrate my birthday
because i would've told them that.

take to studying morse code
so i can talk to you mid movie
with just my heart beats

but first, kiss me
on my mouth
with yours
i'm asking you nicely.

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