Friday, April 9, 2010

...Kat's Green, Art-Deco Futon. NY, NY.

I wonder what the musicians think... the ones who wrote these melodic, entrancing lines of trumpets, drums, and keys... I wonder what they think of their music being spewed forth this way... at obnoxious decibel levels... at all hours of the night... through car speakers and sub woofers so unregulated that they set of a car alarm with every chorus. I wonder if they hope one day that innocent residents of New York's Washington Heights will be awakened and step out into the streets and dance for joy.

As it stands, it makes me want to throw eggs.

A couple of moments have occasioned the throwing of eggs through my window. Both times involved overly loud vehicles. The first was a car whose owner was repeatedly activating the alarm with his wireless remote. That doesn't play well with me. In the acoustics of a crosstown block, noise spirals upwards, so any attempt of mine to interrupt their melee would more than likely just work to annoy the upstairs neighbors. Rather, I took action via ova and chucked an egg at the car. It was a pretty nice car too. Shiny and black. And then slimy along the hood with a bit of runny yellow yolk slinking towards the wheel well.

The second time was a truck double parked in such a fashion that a whole line of cars couldn't get past it. Now, look, this wasn't entirely the fault of the truck. Seriously, if you have such a big problem with it... back out of the damn block. But, since these are New Yorkers that'll much rather sit, honk, and yell for half an early morning hour rather than constructively back out, I had to take action... once again. This time I missed the first time and hit the street. Luckily nobody seemed to notice, the sound of the impact masked by the cacophonous chorus of car horns. The second one hit its mark... actually did better than I could've imagined. After landing on the roof, about half of it ran down the side and dripped nicely in through the passenger's side window. So they had a nice treat to return to when they got back from wherever they were vacationing at that moment.

I'm not a violent person by any means. I won't hit someone, unless I'm defending myself. But noise pollution is another matter entirely. I can't feel in balance in my home while boomboxes and trunk-housed speaker systems blast their way down the block. Maybe it's just me... but even if it is... I'm man enough to take action. At least... passive aggressively... from a good distance... with food.

That's all for now.

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